Have you second guessed your pricing because your bookings were slower than usual? Are you constantly resorting to discounting your photography prices?

On today's episode, we are having a very honest discussion on discounting and the fear of raising your prices.

Some highlights from the episode include:
-the real reason you are discounting your photography services
-why your pricing isn't the issue
-how to confidently price your services and packages
-some encouragement and a kick in the booty for you to change it up

Dive into the BRAND NEW Pricing for Profit training here

The Social Media Marketing Playbook is your complete, step-by-step guide to optimizing your social media platforms & creating content that results in photography bookings. Grab it today.

Are you loving the podcast? Take it deeper inside of my From Broke to Booked Blueprint program where I teach you how to build a profitable photography business in a saturated market.