In today's episode I'm back with one of my Blueprint students.
We're going to talk about her transformation from broke to booked, her From Broke to Booked Blueprint experience and also do some live 1:1 coaching, too!

Meet Katy.
Katy is a military spouse, mom of 6 and a family & motherhood photographer.

Katy started the From Broke to Booked Blueprint Program on total BURNOUT.
To be honest, she didn't have much a business, it certainly wasn't sustainable.
Katy was seeking ALL clients out of desperation to make her business work.
Adding to the desperate for clients vibe, Katy wasn't charging her worth, not even close.

If you want to know where Katy is NOW after the Blueprint program (trust me, you do!). Tune in to today's episode for Katy's amazing transformation!!

And, if you've been wondering when is the right time/situation to increase your prices or how to say's episode I will answer these EXACT questions for you.

Round 2 of the Boost Your Bookings Bootcamp kicks off in June!!
Here are a few things we'll be covering during this Bootcamp:
- The Key to Growing Your Business
- How to Stand Out in a Saturated Market
- Client Experience
- Pricing Mistakes You're Probably Making
- Marketing Myths You're Believing + How to Land Your Next Client
Come join me for a week-long Bootcamp where we will go in-depth on these strategies!
Save your seat here:

If you're looking for results like Katy's, check out the Blueprint Business Framework!
From Broke to Booked Blueprint Program

Loving this podcast? Come join us in the NEW Photographer Community on Facebook.

Oh! And, if we're not already connected on Instagram, you can find me here @brookejanaephotography

You can follow Katy & the amazing journey of her photography business @katykelleymemories

The Social Media Marketing Playbook is your complete, step-by-step guide to optimizing your social media platforms & creating content that results in photography bookings. Grab it today.

Are you loving the podcast? Take it deeper inside of my From Broke to Booked Blueprint program where I teach you how to build a profitable photography business in a saturated market.