A Video Games Chronicle source has claimed the successor to the Nintendo Switch will launch in 2024. So, what do we want to see from that system?

Find the podcast crew on social media, George is @ShortboxSummary, Austin is @AustinJEller and Seth is @seththe90skid. 

Find George’s independent comic book podcast, Shortbox Summary, here: https://www.shortboxsummary.com/podlinks.

Submit questions for the show at bit.ly/FrameSkipQ 

You can also send in your questions to [email protected]!

Frame Skip is available on Podbean, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, TuneIn, Amazon Music Podcasts, and YouTube!

A huge thank you to Dan Ricci for producing Frame Skip’s intro, and Andie Eller for doing all of the graphics for the show.