Episode 1 of Fractal Glitch Works. Prepare yourselves for an epic journey through the ever expanding universe of sound. Magical vibrations captured from talented citizens across the universe mixed and matched by sCrEamJaCk for your intense listening experience.

Episode #001

Mentalecho - The Cosmos

Inner Coma - Pulsar

Lucid - Fractal Network

Extraterrestrial- Red Planet

Unvolved - Kennedy's Dream

Oxidaksi - Freakaminoise

Oxidaksi - Lost Carrier

Paralocks - Nutritional Noise

Kashyyyk - Cenotes

Shouton - Ganbatte

Yatzee - Technology

Neonglo - Lick the Desk

Virtuanoise & Will O Wisp - Bloody Hell Mate

Selective Mood - Take Space Structure

Cyberhen - Putarhhh

Virtuanoise, Zigurat, Cosmo & Arcek - 4 Aliens at Work

MetaHuman - Silver Screen

Parabax - Moon Rocket