Experts say to be very careful what you put online, and that anyone who posts anything is at risk. Especially at risk? Celebrities. FOX News Radio's Michelle Pollino explains: Cyber INsecurity. Over 60 nude photos of Jennifer Lawrence were leaked online. 26 celebs were targeted and hacked through iCloud in the Fall of 2014. Those cases are still under investigation. Scarlett Johansson was one of a handful celebs hacked in 2011, however Assistant U.S. Attorney Wes Hsu prosecuted her hacker, Chris Chaney. (Hsu) "He would answer security questions that were placed on the celebrities email accounts because he would be able to get, through publicly available information, the answers."  So if you posted a pic of you and your pet on Instagram and you put your pet's name -- that's a problem... and not just for celebs. (Hsu) "Everyday people now have volumes and volumes of information on the internet. If you correctly answer security questions that are publicly available, anybody can use that to reset the email account." Johansson's case could also falls under revenge porn it fits the criteria of invasion of privacy, but Hsu says it was not revenge in Chaney's case. Some free speech advocates argue such laws impinge on First Amendment rights. Michelle Pollino, FOX News Radio.

Experts say to be very careful what you put online, and that anyone who posts anything is at risk. Especially at risk? Celebrities.

FOX News Radio's Michelle Pollino explains:

Cyber INsecurity.

Over 60 nude photos of Jennifer Lawrence were leaked online. 26 celebs were targeted and hacked through iCloud in the Fall of 2014. Those cases are still under investigation.

Scarlett Johansson was one of a handful celebs hacked in 2011, however Assistant U.S. Attorney Wes Hsu prosecuted her hacker, Chris Chaney.

(Hsu) "He would answer security questions that were placed on the celebrities email accounts because he would be able to get, through publicly available information, the answers." 

So if you posted a pic of you and your pet on Instagram and you put your pet's name -- that's a problem... and not just for celebs.

(Hsu) "Everyday people now have volumes and volumes of information on the internet. If you correctly answer security questions that are publicly available, anybody can use that to reset the email account."

Johansson's case could also falls under revenge porn it fits the criteria of invasion of privacy, but Hsu says it was not revenge in Chaney's case.

Some free speech advocates argue such laws impinge on First Amendment rights.

Michelle Pollino, FOX News Radio.