Hello and welcome back to the Fourth Estate Militia Shadowrun Podcast update. I’m sitting here in my apartment in Medellin, Colombia with my wife and kiddos in the next room and I’m surrounded by half-backed bags and boxes. You see, we decided it was time to head back to the United States and be closer with our American family. Parents, cousins, nephews and nieces. So for Christmas we bought a house. At least, we signed a whole lot of contracts and paid much more than I thought possible to have inspections and searches and appraisals done. So we came back to Medellin and began saying our goodbyes, giving away more than we sold, and prepared for our return to North America.    And then.   The Seller ran into some complications and can’t actually vacate the house for another month. It seems the new house she was going to buy came back from inspection with more problems than she was willing to deal with so here we are still in Colombia and not in our new house.   Why am I telling you all of this? Because I had hoped to be set up in my new recording studio and ready to produce new content by now. Instead, I spent a solid day tearing up boxes and suitcases trying to find my XLR to USB cable so I could record something. Given the new timeline for closing on the house my free time is going to be at a premium for the next month, month and a half but I promise you the podcast will continue. This is just a heads up that all of us here still appreciate the kind words you have sent to us and we haven’t forgotten about you. I hope you all had a great Christmas or Hannukah or Kwanza or whatever you celebrate. Thanks for listening and we’ll see you next time.