On this week's Teach Me Tuesday Ursi and Beedub break through all the 7.20e patch changes in not-quite-agonizing-but-still-long detail! We also learn about how Wraith Bands are a bad influence on their peers, Tony Hawk Pro Dota Player, the ultimate April Fools play for Valve, why Magnus is so strong and how his nerfs will affect him and others, whether Death Prophet is an actual hero, and plenty more!

  On this week's Teach Me Tuesday Ursi and Beedub break through all the 7.20e patch changes in not-quite-agonizing-but-still-long detail! We also learn about how Wraith Bands are a bad influence on their peers, Tony Hawk Pro Dota Player, the ultimate April Fools play for Valve, why Magnus is so strong and how his nerfs will affect him and others, whether Death Prophet is an actual hero, and plenty more!