This week, WORLDS is here! Since this is 4 Wards, we'll briefly cover the event and patch that go along with worlds...Then answer your questions!

As always, keep those questions coming to [email protected] so we can answer them on the show! We always need more questions!

Also, the Four Wards Podcast is looking to grow! If YOU want to be part of the podcast, send an email to [email protected] with an audio clip (please keep it to about a minute or so) of you giving a trinket tip (a quick, easy to digest tidbit of information that many players may be unaware of). Please include in the text of the email your summoner name, server, and confirm that you are available to record thursday nights between 6-9pm PST (9-12 EST). We aim to record at 6 PST and the show goes for about an hour, but sometimes stuff happens and we record late!


Please continue to support the network by reviewing us on iTunes and donating to the Trinity Force Network at 

Links Referenced

Old Episodes:

TForce Discord:

Hope you love the episode and please, subscribe on iTunes, leave us reviews, email us, Tweet at us and help us to move this show fourward!

Contact information:

Twitters: @4WardsPodcast

Email: [email protected]

Twitter Mentions