This passage opens with Solomon continuing in his pursuit of his Shulamite bride. Verse eight of chapter four is the first time in the book that Solomon calls the Shulamite “his bride,” which is the word kallah in Hebrew. This word is literally translated as “bride” or “young wife,” thus acknowledging the public status of their relationship. The two have now joined and have become one flesh (Genesis 2:24). This union results in abundant delight and pleasure (5:1). Sex was meant not only for procreation, but also for pleasure between a husband and wife. The intimacy we experience in sex with our spouse was designed to point us to a greater intimacy that we will experience when our Savior appears for His bride at the second coming. He has united us to Himself, and empowered us with His Spirit to battle our sin and glorify Him in our lives and marriages. Jesus didn’t do all this because we were beautiful and unstained. He did this to make us beautiful. The gospel renews what sin has distorted!

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