Today's episode is a scripted audio drama. We finish the tale and adventure of Ziv Reinhold with the ritual of powering the orbs. Will this bring Aesis the dawn of a new age? Or a cataclysm? Find out today on Four Orbs!

Special thanks and credits are needed for this one.

Story by Dave Cole
Script by Diana Dely and Dave Cole

Narrator: Aram Vartian of Godsfall
Ziv Reinhold: Lucas Duff of Ballad of the Seven Dice

Supporting Roles:

Cassie from The Lovelycraftians
Jeremy from Midnight Kingdoms
Andrew and Taylor from ChasmQuest
Wade and Nifer from Not Quite Heroes
Diana, Matt, and Rachel from Multiclass Theater
Seth from Cheaper by the Dungeon
Stephen from Faeforge Academy
Sera from Sacrosanct
Jason from Ballad of the Seven Dice

Four Orbs Theme Song
additional incomplete pieces in the episode. subscribe to dcolemusic on YouTube for the future release of final versions.

Because Epic games need Epic game sounds