On today's inaugural What We Learned episode, the four of us are back together to discuss our biggest takeaways on starting a business based on the interviews with our guests so far this season.

Is entrepreneurship in your blood?  What did our guests have in common?  We also discuss side hustles, taking the leap, raising capital, steep startup learning curves and constant networking ... just to name a few things.

A few helpful links on topics/items we mentioned during the episode in case you want to read up on further details:

Are Entrepreneurs Born -- or Made? Research Says 'Born.' But There's a Catch.9 Global Businesses That Began as Side Hustles and How They StartedThe Side Hustle ShowIn Q1 2019, 17% of venture capital dollars went to companies with at least one female founder. Of that, 2% was invested in only female founders.

And of course, we are grateful to our first round of guests - Jen, Nicki, Cassy, Genienne, Pat, and Brendan - for joining us on our podcasting adventure and sharing their experiences with the Four of a Kind community. 

As always, if you have any questions or comments, or suggestions on episode topics and/or guests, please email us at [email protected]

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