In this week's Mini-Sode, we answer the question "What is your Myers-Briggs type?". 

We all took the test in advance, so the question was not quite off the cuff this week, but there is still so much to discuss with Myers-Briggs (MB) tests, and personality tests generally.  Tell us your Myers-Briggs type by sending an email to [email protected]!

Given this mini-sode is a little longer than the others, we have some time markers below if you want to jump to a particular part of the episode!

If you already know what all about MB personality types and you're just dying to learn about our results, feel free to skip through our introduction straight to 6:15.If you're really in a rush today and want to skip to the discussion, including how we think MB and other personality tests can impact women in leadership individually and holistically head to 18:25.

Here are links to the Myers-Briggs test and the 16 Personalities test result descriptions - which both use the same E/I N/S T/F J/P format.  Note you have to pay to take the official Myers-Briggs test, but we found the 16 Personalities test to be very similar (and it is free!).

Myers Briggs FoundationMBTI BasicsMBTI Online Test - We suggest checking with your employer or if your career center if you are a student to see if they have an access code or other discount for the test16 Personalities 16 Personalities Free Test16 Personalities Type Descriptions

Other facts we mentioned:

Approx 2% is ENTJ ( 1% is INTJ (

Questions or comments? Email us at [email protected]

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