Whether you’re in charge of employees at your startup or simply leading a monthly book club, there’s an invisible task you definitely don’t want to ignore: inspiring others. If the Zumba instructor leads the class with a scowl and drill-sergeant lingo, you’re probably going to switch to a more uplifting class, right? The same idea applies to the workplace. One of the easiest ways to inspire your team is to highlight when something’s going right and when someone’s done something well. For instance, which of the following statements inspires you to try harder? “Why haven’t you completed that project yet?” or “Great progress! Keep it up!”

The post Susan Liu: How to Find Startup Success appeared first on On The Dot Woman.

Whether you’re in charge of employees at your startup or simply leading a monthly book club, there’s an invisible task you definitely don’t want to ignore: inspiring others. If the Zumba instructor leads the class with a scowl and drill-sergeant lingo, you’re probably going to switch to a more uplifting class, right? The same idea applies to the workplace. One of the easiest ways to inspire your team is to highlight when something’s going right and when someone’s done something well. For instance, which of the following statements inspires you to try harder? “Why haven’t you completed that project yet?” or “Great progress! Keep it up!”

The post Susan Liu: How to Find Startup Success appeared first on On The Dot Woman.