Ladies, we’ve all been there: A dude describes in detail something you already know. When it’s done repeatedly, it’s a way for the guy to feel high and mighty. This has been dubbed “mansplaining,” and we’re so over it. Plenty of us fall silent, unsure how to proceed when Mark the Mainsplainer gets going. The next time he gives you the definition of an entry-level concept, remind him of your educational or work experience. Pivot to another woman in the room for backup—or do as many men would do and simply speak louder.

The post Jenna Lee Babin: Get Unbiased News Created By and for Women appeared first on On The Dot Woman.

Ladies, we’ve all been there: A dude describes in detail something you already know. When it’s done repeatedly, it’s a way for the guy to feel high and mighty. This has been dubbed “mansplaining,” and we’re so over it. Plenty of us fall silent, unsure how to proceed when Mark the Mainsplainer gets going. The next time he gives you the definition of an entry-level concept, remind him of your educational or work experience. Pivot to another woman in the room for backup—or do as many men would do and simply speak louder.

The post Jenna Lee Babin: Get Unbiased News Created By and for Women appeared first on On The Dot Woman.