When you’re pregnant, you hear plenty of old wives’ tales from friends and neighbors. Carrying high? It’s a girl! Dry skin? It’s a boy! Got mad heartburn? Expect your newborn baby to have a full head of hair. Devouring an ice cream cone a day? Baby must need her calcium. You’ll also realize that when you Google any pregnancy symptom, you will get sucked into a terror-inducing internet-baby-forum spiral. Avoid! Take comfort in the fact that many generations of women before us birthed child after child, all with little to no expertise from those helping out. Today, thankfully, we’ve got a bit more knowledge of how to create life and bring Baby safely into this world.

The post Clemmie Hooper: Preparing for Motherhood; Best Tips for Moms-to-be appeared first on On The Dot Woman.

When you’re pregnant, you hear plenty of old wives’ tales from friends and neighbors. Carrying high? It’s a girl! Dry skin? It’s a boy! Got mad heartburn? Expect your newborn baby to have a full head of hair. Devouring an ice cream cone a day? Baby must need her calcium. You’ll also realize that when you Google any pregnancy symptom, you will get sucked into a terror-inducing internet-baby-forum spiral. Avoid! Take comfort in the fact that many generations of women before us birthed child after child, all with little to no expertise from those helping out. Today, thankfully, we’ve got a bit more knowledge of how to create life and bring Baby safely into this world.

The post Clemmie Hooper: Preparing for Motherhood; Best Tips for Moms-to-be appeared first on On The Dot Woman.