When you’re in a creative industry, you often encounter what I call Discount Dan and Entitled Ethel. These are the people who shamelessly expect you to provide your creative services for next to nothing. A friend of a friend asks an editor to “just look over” his resume (aka for free), a customer asks a designer to create at least six versions of her company logo by this weekend and is appalled at the expedited fee, and so on. From now on, ladies, don’t undervalue your creative work. Demand respect and appropriate payment for your creative endeavors. After all, just because it’s creative work doesn’t mean it doesn’t have real value.

The post Molly Neuman: Know Your Worth; Don’t Undervalue Your Creativity appeared first on On The Dot Woman.

When you’re in a creative industry, you often encounter what I call Discount Dan and Entitled Ethel. These are the people who shamelessly expect you to provide your creative services for next to nothing. A friend of a friend asks an editor to “just look over” his resume (aka for free), a customer asks a designer to create at least six versions of her company logo by this weekend and is appalled at the expedited fee, and so on. From now on, ladies, don’t undervalue your creative work. Demand respect and appropriate payment for your creative endeavors. After all, just because it’s creative work doesn’t mean it doesn’t have real value.

The post Molly Neuman: Know Your Worth; Don’t Undervalue Your Creativity appeared first on On The Dot Woman.