Here’s a story that will let the air out of your tires: Henry Ford—you know, the Ford guy—shook things up by hiring women to work at his Phoenix Mill plant in Michigan in the early 1900s. Pretty cool, right? But here’s the catch: Women’s employment eligibility at Ford was based on their marital status, with Ford only hiring widows and single ladies. Why? He considered the gig to be a temporary one for women because he was adamant that a woman’s real job in life was to “get married, have a home and raise a family.” While Ford did pay his female workers the same as men, it was solely so they could dress attractively and afford to get married.

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Here’s a story that will let the air out of your tires: Henry Ford—you know, the Ford guy—shook things up by hiring women to work at his Phoenix Mill plant in Michigan in the early 1900s. Pretty cool, right? But here’s the catch: Women’s employment eligibility at Ford was based on their marital status, with Ford only hiring widows and single ladies. Why? He considered the gig to be a temporary one for women because he was adamant that a woman’s real job in life was to “get married, have a home and raise a family.” While Ford did pay his female workers the same as men, it was solely so they could dress attractively and afford to get married.

The post Padmasree Warrior: She’s Driving the Future of Autonomous Cars appeared first on On The Dot Woman.