UNCLE!!! Due to life being extremely annoying and difficult, after part one of the movie goes up May 27th, we will be switching to coming out every TWO weeks instead of every week. Hoover would certainly rather blow through those Autobot-filled Season Three episodes, however life is doing its best to crush his little head like Hot Rod's tires did to Kickback.

Frankly it's amazing that we've done 78 episodes (a year and a half!) never missing a week, but we are putting on the brakes before all the tires blow out. So look for us in the same place on the same day at the same time, just every OTHER week now.

We'd like to use this time to rally the troops, so PLEASE rate and review us and tell people about us whom you think would appreciate such a podcast. Since we'll be coming out less often, it will be longer until we reach the end of the series, so it would be nice to have more and more listeners in the fold. And ONLY YOU can help make this happen! Please help us find other fans who enjoy this kind of discussion and overthinking, so IDW lets us write a SEASON 2.5 series (ha ha ha).

Thanks for listening and caring about the show. It means a lot.


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Closing theme by Nick Mehalick : https://soundcloud.com/nicholas-mehalick/tranformative

Please email us! [email protected]  And review us at your favorite podcatcher! Please?