Hoooo-boy... strap in, 'cause this one is something else. It's the AKOMIEST of them all, with more animation errors than you've ever seen! But we TRY to remain positive... we TRY... 

It seems GALVATRON finally got a plan together, but it got sidetracked by some weird aliens on a nearby planet, whose voices can unleash destructive power. This of course gives GALVATRON a new goal and thankfully he's already reconnecting with his old pal SOUNDWAVE who can record and replicate the sound. So it's up to the AUTOBOTS to put things straight and get harmony out of these singsongy aliens! 

Thankfully we get some more characterization out of BROADSIDE, the AUTOBOT triple changer, who turns out to be pretty cool! But other than an interesting sci-fi concept, there's... not a LOT of good here. But give it a watch just 'cause it's so bad it's good.... almost!

And once you're done with our episode, go watch YouTuber Phelan Porteous point out every last error in the episode, which takes him 27 minutes!: https://youtu.be/RnE6DfM23uk


https://www.teepublic.com/user/fourmillionyearslater NEW 'AKOM GONNA AKOM' DESIGN! SHIRTS! STICKERS! TAPESTRIES! CELL PHONE CASES! BABY ONESIES!

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Closing theme by Nick Mehalick : https://soundcloud.com/nicholas-mehalick/tranformative

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