Here we are at part 3 of our four part movie coverage! It's a lot of AUTOBOT coverage as we follow KUP, HOT ROD, and the DINOBOTS on QUINTESSA and the others on the planet of JUNK! There's a liiiiiiittle DECEPTICONS sprinkled in for good measure. All this and we meet a new rhymey boi armed with a slingshot. This portion covers the movie from 44:21-1:03:55.

PLEASE NOTE: The podcast is now EVERY OTHER WEEK due to various very annoying things far out of our control. I wish it didn't have to be, but alas, it does. SHIRTS! STICKERS! TAPESTRIES! CELL PHONE CASES! BABY ONESIES! (AND NEW 2-SIDED T-SHIRTS!)

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Closing theme by Nick Mehalick :

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