Jesus healed a man who was blind from birth and his behavior afterwards showed evidence of one who not only received physical eyesight, but Spiritual eyesight which freed him from the oppression of the Pharisees. Jesus gave the Parable of the Good Shepherd.


I. Jesus Gives Sight To A Man Who Was Born Blind.

A. John 9:1-7
1. Was Born Blind: Spiritually & Physically.

2. Clay On The Eyes: Symbolic Of The Man's Spiritual Condition.

3. Washing In The Pool Of Siloam: Symbolic Of The Clensing & Baptism Of The Holy Spirit.

4. But Now I See: Spiritually & Physically.

B. Related Passages:

1. Genesis 3:14-15

2. Exodus 4:1-5

3. John 2:6-10

4. John 16:7-13

II. A Change Evidenced By Physical Eyesight.

John 9:8-12

III. Intimidation & Interigation From The Pharisees.

John 9:13-23

IV. A Change Evidenced By Spiritual Eyesight.

John 9:24-33

V. Evidence Of Two Forms Of Blindness In Action.

A. John 9:34-41

B. A Confessed Blindness Which Saves & Brings New Eyesight.

C. An Unconfessed (Stubborn & Willfull) Blindness Which Leaves One In Darkness.

VI. Jesus Proclaims, "I Am The Door Of The Sheep".

A. John 10:1-10

B. Historical Application = Jesus' 1st Coming

1. Sheepfold = The Nation Of Israel

2. Porter/Doorkeeper = The Holy Spirit's Testimony Of The Coming Messiah/The Old Testament

3. Shepherd = Jesus

4. Sheep = All Jews Who Left The Blindness Of The Pharisees To Follow Jesus

C. Personal Application = Spiritual Rebirth

1. Sheepfold = The World

2. Porter/Doorkeeper = The Holy Spirit's Testimony Of Jesus' Atoning Death & Resurrection/The Old & New Testament

3. Shepherd = Jesus

4. Sheep = All Jews & Gentiles Who Leave The Blindness Of The World To Follow Jesus

D. Prophetic Application = The Rapture

1. Sheepfold = The Planet Earth

2. Porter/Doorkeeper = The Seal Of The Holy Spirit Ephesians 1:13-14 & 2nd Corinthians 1:21-22

3. Shepherd = Jesus

4. Sheep = All Those Sealed By The Holy Spirit Who Leave The Planet Earth To Follow Jesus 1st Thessalonians 4:16-17

VII. Jesus Proclaims, "I Am The Good Shepherd".

A. John 8:31-32

B. He's Called The Good Shepherd in John 10:11
Because He Lays Down His Life For The Sheep. Psalm 22

C. He's Called The Great Shepherd in Hebrews 13:20-21
Because He Protects And Cares For His Sheep. Psalm 23

D. He's Called The Chief Shepherd in 1st Peter 5:4
Because He Will Come Back To Reward His Sheep. Psalm 24