After Jesus spent time discussing forgiveness and reconciliation, he gave a controversial parable that's become known as the parable of the unforgiving servant. What makes it controversial is that it's been given 4 different interpretations. We examine all 4.


I. The 1st Interpretation.

A. The Ten Thousand Talents (Matthew 18:23-25) = The Sins Of A Man Not Yet Saved By Grace.

B. The Master's Forgiveness (Matthew 18:26-27) = Salvation; Man's Sins Are Forgiven; He Is Now Saved By Grace.

C. The Wicked Servant's Unforgiveness (Matthew 18:28-30) = Post-Salvation Sin; An Unforgiving Spirit.

D. The Master's Response (Matthew 18:31-34) = ?

E. Jesus' Warning (Matthew 18:35) = ?

F. Problems With This Interpretation = Who Are The Torturers? What About Jesus' Warning?

II. The 2nd Interpretation.

A. The Ten Thousand Talents (Matthew 18:23-25) = The Sins Of A Man Not Yet Saved By Grace.

B. The Master's Forgiveness (Matthew 18:26-27) = Salvation; Man's Sins Are Forgiven; He Is Now Saved By Grace.

C. The Wicked Servant's Unforgiveness (Matthew 18:28-30) = Post-Salvation Sin; An Unforgiving Spirit.

D. The Master's Response (Matthew 18:31-34) = Forgiveness Is Revoked; The Man Is Sentenced To Hell.

E. Jesus' Warning (Matthew 18:35) = You'll Be Sentenced To Hell Too If You Aren't Forgiving.

F. Problems With This Interpretation = The Promise Of Eternal Life Is Irrevocable; The Holy Spirit Is Permanently Sealed.

1. John 3:16

2. John 5:24

3. John 10:28-29

4. John 1:12-13

5. John 3:3

6. Ephesians 2:8-9

7. Ephesians 1:13

8. Ephesians 4:30

9. Titus 3:5

10. Romans 8:38-39

11. Philippians 1:6

III. The 3rd Interpretation.

A. The Ten Thousand Talents (Matthew 18:23-25) = The Sins Of A Man Not Yet Saved By Grace.

B. The Master's Forgiveness (Matthew 18:26-27) = Forgiveness That Is Provided But Not Accepted; The Man Is Still Not Saved By Grace.

C. The Wicked Servant's Unforgiveness (Matthew 18:28-30) = Evidence Of No Salvation; An Unforgiving Spirit.

D. The Master's Response (Matthew 18:31-34) = Since Forgiveness Was Never Accepted; The Man Is Sentenced To Hell.

E. Jesus' Warning (Matthew 18:35) = ?

F. Problems With This Interpretation = The Man Is Called A "Servant" Which Implies He's Saved & Jesus Holds Us (Who Are Saved) Accountable In His Warning.

IV. The 4th Interpretation.

A. The Ten Thousand Talents (Matthew 18:23-25) = The Sins Of A Servant Of God Already Saved By Grace But Living In Sin.

B. The Master's Forgiveness (Matthew 18:26-27) = Forgiveness Given To The Servant Upon His Confession & Repentance: 1st John 1:6-10.

C. The Wicked Servant's Unforgiveness (Matthew 18:28-30) = Blatant Hypocrisy: A Wicked, Cold & Heartless Unforgiving Spirit.

D. The Master's Response (Matthew 18:31-34) = Godly & Fatherly Discipline After The Prayerful Intervention Of Fellow-Servants.

1. Matthew 18:17

2. 1st Corinthians 5:5

3. 1st Timothy 1:19-20

E. Jesus' Warning (Matthew 18:35) = You'll Be Disciplined
Too If You Aren't Forgiving.

F. Problems With This Interpretation = ?