Giuseppe Tomasello is an Italian Entrepreneur, CEO & Founder at With a mission to help language school get more customers online. is a SaaS platform that enables language school managers and directors to

 1. Get more students online. 

2. Increase in student retention.  

3. Increase student engagement and learning experience 

 4. Manage all the students and teachers all in one place.   

 The platform makes use of several cutting edge technologies and techniques to deliver outstanding results for their clients, including: 

- AI and Natural Language Processing (NLP) technology

 - Student and Teacher centered UX design

 - Growth Hacking and data-driven funnel optimization 

- A Lean Startup based framework for digital transformation 

- Rapid user iteration  Giuseppe started the journey as a self-taught full-stack developer to build the first version of a tool for learning Mandarin. 

From there he had launched 2 APPs (Edugora and in the Google Play Store and Apple APP store getting tens of thousands of downloads. 


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