Previous Episode: Brand is EVERYTHING

Since I started being more active on social media, many people have been asking me “why do you blog and podcast?”. My answer is an important lesson that I think several people can get value from.

First, one of my jobs in running a SaaS company, is developing strategy. A lot of my own strategy and thought-process is done through writing. I’ve been writing for several years now. It helps me absorb my thoughts and understand topics and situations I’m thinking about, a lot better. Personally, I need to write in order to continue my mental and business growth. A blog is also a great way to stay accountable and continue writing. I consider the posts on this blog, as my “business diary”.

I’ve been an avid podcast listener for quite some time. I’ve even joked with friends about recording our conversations in a podcast. Eventually, my itch to start a podcast finally got too much to bare. So, I bought a microphone and started recording my thoughts. Instead of talking about starting a podcast, I just did it. It’s really as simple as that. I didn’t ask for anyone’s approval or opinion, I just did it. That’s where most people fall short. They talk about doing things, and never execute. The only thing stopping people are their own limitations and excuses. Just DO whatever you’re thinking about!

Although my Founder Views podcast is now a fun hobby that started from scratching an itch, it’s what spurred the idea to start a podcast for my company, Web4Realty. After a few months of podcasting on Founder Views, I started thinking of ways to apply podcasting to Web4Realty. So, I started a new podcast called Top Agent, where I interview real estate agents to discuss their successes, tips and marketing strategies. A simple and effective marketing and branding strategy for my company was created because I simply scratched an itch. My point is, you never know what great ideas will come out of simply doing!

I also believe that if you can consistently provide value to an audience, there’s going to be a positive ROI for you at some point. Whether it’s the positive effect of feeding your insights and experiences back into the ecosystem, your own personal and business growth, or even financial rewards- there will be something positive that comes out of providing value to a group people consistently.

Stop talking, and just f***** do it.

Music by sifer2424