Hey Friends,

Last year, Sarah and I started a podcast to share our journey investing in Founder-led stocks and hopefully inspire others to get started investing. We took a long hiatus because life got busy, but I’m going to do my absolute best to start publishing a podcast every Monday again. Sarah will be on the show when possible, but it’s tough for us both to get the time to record each week…we will do our best because she truly is the star of the show.

This week’s podcast was incredible. I had the opportunity to interview Meagen Eisenberg, the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) at TripActions. Prior to joining TripActions, Meagen was CMO at Mongo Database (MDB), a company we have owned in our portfolio for more than a year, and before that, Vice President of Marketing and Customer Acquisition at Docusign (DOCU). These are three incredible companies, and in my opinion, Meagen was a big part of what made each of them successful.

Here’s a photo of Meagen and one of her daughters which I borrowed from a LinkedIn post of hers.

There are two ways you can listen to the podcast. Either directly through this email (above) or on your favorite podcast app (links below). I’d love to know which method you prefer. You can either reply to this email or let me know in the comments below.

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I really enjoyed talking to Meagen. She is such a talented and authentic leader. Here were my three biggest takeaways. I’d love to know what yours are.

Hard work and persistence are key to being successful at anything we do (business, parenting, friendships, etc)

Never stop learning. Meagen has 22+ years of experience and has held executive roles at some of the most innovative companies of our time....and she’s still curious/learning every day

Parenting (and relationships in general) aren't about quantity (of time), but quality. It's clear that Meagen is a wonderful example for her daughters and other parents as well.

And the timestamps for our conversation:

0:00 - Intro

1:50 - How have you maintained tenacity and work ethic?

2:30 - As a leader, how do you know when to push the limits and when to slow down/hold back?

5:00 - Explanation of Docusign, MongoDB, and TripActions

8:00 - International Women's day

10:13 - How have you helped scale such incredible teams/orgs?

11:20 - What are you excited about w/TripActions right now?

15:12 - Challenges on your radar?

17:04 - What makes a successful leader/founder?

18:00 - How has the cloud and social changed marketing and your job as a CMO?

19:30 - What will be the biggest change in tech and marketing in 5-10 years?

20:40 - An area you'd like to see tech improve?

22:23 - Your experience as an advisor and how it has made you a better CMO?

24:50 - Thoughts on raising your daughters?

28:25 - Last time you were late to work?

29:20 - Last time you lost an argument with one of your daug

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