This week I sit down with Kinsey Grant (Twitter @KinseyGrant) from Morning Brew (@MorningBrew) and the Business Casual Podcast (@bizcasualpod).

I asked Kinsey to be on the podcast because I’m a huge fan of what is doing to spread business and financial literacy to the masses through educational and FUN email newsletters and now podcasts.

You can either play the podcast directly in your browser by hitting the play button at the top of this page or find it on your favorite podcast player (links below).This podcast is part of my free investing newsletter. There is an option to pay $5/month or $50/yr if you want to help support the newsletter and podcast. We also appreciate you hitting the heart to “like” this post and sharing it on your favorite social media platforms to help others find us.

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2:20 Kinsey Intro + How we connected over Twitter + empowering others

7:40: Getting over the fear/imposter syndrome of reaching out to high-profile guests

9:40: Understanding the importance of hardwork (and a little bit of luck)

11:40 How Kinsey got her job at Morning Brew

14:40 Why Kinsey started looking for new career opportunities while she was in a job she enjoyed at

19:40 What Kinsey has learned about taking feedback as a journalist/content creator.

21:40 How she’s navigated

25:00 Kinsey’s creative process, how she prepares for writing + podcasting and what her week looks like. The best creators are great readers

29:40 The origin story of Business Casual Podcast

31:40 Kinsey’s Tweetstorm with lessons learned from getting their first 1M podcast downloads.

34:40 What’s up next for the business casual podcast

36:40 Two things Kinsey is trying to improve on professionally

39:00 Obligatory Hot Seat Questions

Kinsey’s favorite episode of morning brew

Does hiring social media people make it feel like you’re in prison?

How Kinsey’s mom saved her Instagram life.

The Kindest thing anyone has ever done for Kinsey

My Key Takeaways

Take action - reach out to your idols, the worst thing that can happen is they say no

When a great opportunity is put in front of you take it! You gotta risk it to get the biscuit.

The team at MorningBrew starts creating the next day’s newsletter around 12:00 or 1:00 and covers similar stories to other big magazines. To be successful, we don’t have to invent the next light bulb, but do something meaningful our own way.

The team started the podcast without knowing exactly what the format would be and who they would interview (just start!)

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