In today’s episode, we have someone who has done it all founder, funder, and now contributor to our startup ecosystem. Excited to have Elle Bruno who is the managing director of TechStars Boulder.

Here’s a closer look at the episode:
Elle’s early days as an entrepreneur
Why Elle focuses her angel investing on female founders.
What’s changed in the world of investing in female founders.
Elle’s advice to founders that are struggling with challenges/disadvantages.
Eliminate emotion and use data.
The importance of the founder/VC relationship
The quintessential element of investment is spending time with the founders.
Power dynamic shift with founders and funders.
Why investors and founders both need to do diligence.
What brought Elle to TechStars and the imposter syndrome.
The difficulty in choosing the companies for the cohorts.
How TechStars has grown.
What the TechStars Boulder program entails.
Advice to founders thinking about applying to TechStars.
What’s unique about being a founder in Colorado
Why do TechStars as a founder.
What are you looking forward to on the personal front?

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