Two things. First, I have no idea how to spell. Yes, I am on the internet and Google could probably teach me how to spell this with great ease, but I am lazy and that would ruin what is otherwise a harmless jab at my inability to complete even the most simple and basic of […]

Two things. First, I have no idea how to spell. Yes, I am on the internet and Google could probably teach me how to spell this with great ease, but I am lazy and that would ruin what is otherwise a harmless jab at my inability to complete even the most simple and basic of tasks.


Second, and vastly more important, I finally got off my ass and put up Episode 38 of our podcast, and it was only done a single week ago! Wow! Apparently, being on break means we went over the usual one hour format (which was my fault for saying “Ah, fuck it, we got this!”) by a considerable sum. Now that the chaff has been removed, only the sexy missiles remain! Constrained within the bounds of this podcast are the following :


There should be more games for the Xbox One that Ryan should own. He may be a total idiot for not actively seeking out more. Maybe this post is a cry for help?
The Found In The Alley crew think getting a DS for each of us for Pokemon battles is not the worst idea we have ever had.
The Game Developers Conference is totally worth a visit, assuming you’re willing to work for it.
I don’t think I like my attorney. He sounds too much like me, and that makes it stupid.

There ya have it. Downloadable HERE, and streamable below! (Or the Stitcher app, or iTunes… whatever… I wonder what it takes to get onto Google Play?)