Sarah Cooper is one half of the artist duo Cooper&Gorfer with Nina Gorfer being the other half. We talk to Sarah about their exhibition 'Between these Folded Walls - Utopia', which, in a large part, is based on stories of refugees and immigrants. 
We talk about the interesting period in history in which we happen to be situated, try to understand the wounds of our zeitgeist and if it's even possible to heal them.

Räägime Sarah'ga tema ja Nina Gorferi uuest näitusest 'Between these Folded Walls - Utopia', mis keskendub suures osas noortele põgenikele. Lisaks räägime huvitavast ajaloolisest perioodist kuhu oleme elama sattunud ja püüame mõista meie ajastu haavu, eripärasid ja kautatud utoopiat.