This week's episode features an interview with our son, Topher! He is 12 years old, and direct and brief with his answers! Which is why you get to enjoy a nice, short episode this week!

In this episode we talked about:

Baking! We made bagels from scratch and they were great! You can check out this recipe we used. But just a side note - she says to make 8 bagels - and I think we made about 12. 

Foster kids sharing rooms. Here is a full article of requirements for parents who are considering foster care in Arizona. Different rules vary state to state, but they are very similar. In Arizona, children of opposite genders may share a room if they are under 6 years old. And foster parents may not share a room with their foster children. Just in case you were wondering.

The Good Word of the Day:

"Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God."

- Philippians 4:5-6

This is Topher's life verse and it's so appropriate for the situation we are in, as well as every day. There are hard times all around, but there is also much to be thankful for. Let us focus on the positive, and the things we can control, and not be anxious about all the stuff we cannot control!

We hope you all have an amazing week! If you would like to connect, feel free to email us,  or find us at Fostering Voices on Instagram

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