What is the kind of success you are looking for, for your family, and for yourself?

Our last 2 episodes with Gaelin Elmore really helped us to see what it looks like to walk alongside kids, and have them choose a different path then the one we had planned for them to be on. But is it a worse path? 

We have talked before about how we once proclaimed we didn't want our kids to be 'punks/a-holes', and that was our mission. But our friends, Don and Renee Worcester, advised us to focus on what we wanted our kids to become, and not on the vast array of all the things we didn't want them to become. So we chose to focus on having children who were kind, compassionate, and forgiving instead. 

In this time of having more time at home, for most folks (and hats off to all the medical professionals,  and folks who are working hard to keep society functioning, and are daily putting themselves at risk!), we hope that we will all take FULL ADVANTAGE of the extra time we have together.

Make a plan to have time to get to the things you have always told yourself you don't have time for! Maybe that is exercising, or reading more, or teaching your children new things.

Here are some of the resources we mentioned in this episode:

- Mindset by Carol Dweck

- The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy

- The Dragonborn Series by Brett Humphrey 

- Queen Dee Fitness workouts

- Blogilates Workouts!

- Finding school districts that have meal programs for all kids 18 and under. Like this one in Arizona!

This also helps to remind us to be mindful of children who are home, and not at school, and school may have been the safest place for them! Let us all be vigilant as neighbors, of kids around us who may be in need.

The Good Word of the Day

"For in this hope we were saved. But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what they already have? 25 But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently"

- Romans 8:24-25

May our hope be in the Lord always! Especially when we can clearly see that we cannot control the world, or people around us. 

We hope you enjoyed this episode and that you are able to have an abundance mindset in this time of uncertainty. We are SO thankful for this community, and we hope that you will reach out if there is a way that we can support you in prayer, or possibly some toilet paper.

Until next week friends!