This week's episode features an interview with Kara Lackey, who with her husband, Jason, created the Know and Love Quiz! This quiz is a FREE resource for families to get to know and love their kids better, and to meet each child's unique needs. Although they started off on this journey to help themselves as parents, they instantly saw how great this would be for foster families, who may not know the history of the children who come into their homes - but they can still learn how to best speak to these kids' hearts.

Know and Love

Visit to do a free assessment of your kids and their unique personalities! This website is full of amazing resources to help you understand the different ways that your children are wired, and how you can talk to them, and interact with them, in a way that they feel known and loved!

This is a resource that is designed to help parents feel like they have some tools in their "emotional first aid kits" to help them understand their kids better. We as parents often, and unknowingly, shame our children - because we simply do not understand their behaviors.

More Resources for Parents

Some other tools we think will be very helpful are The Connected Child, and The Whole Brain Child. Both are amazing books that help you to look at your children in a new light. Especially with having foster children in your home - we don't know everything they have been through, but we can know how to help them to deal with their baggage, and to help carry that burden with them. These are all tools that will help your kids to understand how to express themselves better now - and that will benefit them greatly into adulthood.

The (Good) Word of the Day

"We create a space for creative, constructive interaction in our home, where most of our energy goes towards maintaining awareness of where shame is hiding. Jesus can overcome shame when it is brought to the light.


-Lackey Family Motto

Jason and Kara have been on a journey to punch shame in the face! They have chosen to 'swim towards' the things that have brought them shame - in their finances, in the marriage, in their personal health journeys. They have done HARD things, and continue to do so, with a huge heart to help others on their journeys as well.

Shame wants to tell us that we are alone. But we are not. 1 Corinthians 10:13 says: "No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it." There are so many out there who are suffering with the same things that you are! Bring your shame to the light, and you will find others who are struggling with the same things!

Romans 10:11 says that "anyone who believes in him will never be put to shame" , so let us, as a family of believers live confidently and lovingly with one another.

Thank you Kara, and Jason, for all the great work you guys have done, and continue to do for parents - especially foster parents. We hope that you enjoy this episode!

If you want to connect on Social Media:

You can find Kara at KaraLackey on Instagram, and at Know and Love on Instagram , and on Facebook. J

We missed Chris this week, but you can connect with him on facebook.

Connect with us at Fostering Voices on Instagram

And with Jihae on Instagram

You can also email us at [email protected]

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