We often get this question from concerned parents - "Will fostering be harmful to my bio kids?" And it's a legit question. There are bad situations out there where some foster families have experienced pain and hardship with their bio kids, because of a situation that occurred while fostering. So yes, there is always a possibility of that. But there is a possibility that living a totally safe and sheltered life could still possibly cause pain and hardship for your children. 

This week, we invited our precious pre-teen son, Topher, to join us on the podcast! He shares his experiences and input on foster care, which he has been involved with since he was 6 years old. We are incredibly proud of him, as well as all of our kids! You can listen to Episode 49, where our eldest - Lily, shared her views on being a foster sibling.

We welcomed our new foster placements into our home this week, so we are officially a family of 9! For now! But we are so thankful for everyone who has supported us, and who continues to pray for us. Keep em coming, cause we sure need em.

Our girls came to us from a group home - which we have never experienced this before. For those who are wanting foster children who are living in congregate care (which is a great idea!), just know there is a LOT of waiting, and a lot of paperwork that needs to be signed by different people. 

Also, if your foster placements are coming from a group home, it's a great idea to try to get a visit in before they come to live with you, so that you guys can meet, and so that you can prepare more for the children before their arrival. We were grateful to learn what size clothes and shoes our kids wear, and even what kinds of toys and snacks and meals they enjoyed, just so we could have those things in advance. And another thing that came up was the fact that the girls did NOT have anything to move all of their belongings in. To avoid any potential of things being moved around in TRASH BAGS, we bought these big storage totes at Walmart for less than $10, and they came in Unicorn and Mermaid styles - which the girls love! 

The Good Word of the Day:

"Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God."

Philippians 4:5-6

This is actually Topher's life verse, and we think it is such a great one for everyone to remember! God loves us, he is near, we need not fear or be anxious about anything.

If you want to connect on Social Media:

Jihae Watson on Facebook

Chris Watson on Facebook

Fostering Voices on Instagram

Jihae Watson on Instagram

You can also email us at [email protected]

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