This episode features an episode with host, Jihae! Join us as Chris grills Jihae on life's highs and lows. And you will even hear what Jihae's favorite physical attribute is of Chris'. It's very appropriate and clean.


0:00 - Intro

1:30 – Jihae Describes Growing Up in Her Parent's House

6:44 – What Has Been Your Biggest Challenge In Life?

9:19 – What Helped You Overcome That?

11:12 – What Time Did You Feel Most Fulfilled?

13:36 – What Advice Would You Give To Teenage Jihae?

19:58 – Good Word of the Day!!!


South Korea 

Edmonton, Alberta

Good Word of the Day!!!

Joshua 1:9 NIV
9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

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