In the final episode of the season Jihae has a deep, insightful, and powerful conversation with Peter Mutabazi. Peter is a single fostering dad who is an advocate for children. he is incredibly active and terrific on social media. His YouTube channel and IG feed are especially active and terrific. We can't wait for you to hear from Peter and hear his passion and commitment to fostering children.


1:19 - Finding Joy In This Season

1:39 - DECLUTTER!!!!

3:14 - Chris's Beautiful (Sometimes) Yard

7:59 - Reminder: Please Donate to Foster Care Initiative

9:46 - Chick-Fil-A!!!!

10:36 - Introducing Peter Mutabazi - Foster Dad Flipper

23:35 - How Peter Decided to Become a Foster Parent

37:16 - What Have Been The Challenges As An Adopted Dad?

40:42 - Now You Are Known

51:15 - What Is Bringing You Joy?



From Episode 119 - Foster Care Initiatives

Please consider donating by the end of July!

Peter's Website - Now I Am Known

Peter on YouTube

Peter on IG

Fostering Voices on IG