Marcy is a Certified Rehabilitation Counselor and Certified Trauma and Resilience Practitioner, speaker, Story Coach, and the best-selling author of books for adults and for children. She does her best writing on retreats with a nearby hot tub, in any castle, or within view of the sea. 

Over the last twenty years, Marcy has worked with children, adults, families, and couples through private practices, group homes, foster family agencies, community-based services, wrap-around programs, workshops, trainings, and speaking at conferences. In addition, Marcy has fostered multiple children, in addition to adopting two and birthing two.

Marcy is the best selling, award-winning author of Reclaiming Hope: Overcoming the Challenges of Parenting Foster and Adopted Children, Parenting Children of Trauma: The Foster-Adoption Guide to Understanding Attachment Disorder, Speranza’s Sweater, and many more. Watch her TEDx talks and learn more about her work, writing, and other resources at and Join her free Facebook community called Reclaiming Hope: You are More Than Your Trauma.

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