The amazing Sophie Jantak joins us to
talk about how she makes pet portraits (including one she made for us!)
using Blender's
Grease Pencil.
Hear about Sophie's process, why Grease Pencil is the right tool for her,
and what her collalboration process is like on pet portrait commissions!
(And yes, you can commission Sophie tool!)

We've collectively decided to release this artwork's source
code as a free cultural work!
Get the .blend (CC BY-SA 4.0)!

Also a reminder, we'll be hosting two versions of a "Intro to Scheme"
tutorial during the two Hack & Craft
meetings this month!

July 2nd, 8pm-10pm ET (12am-2am UTC): First trial run of Scheme tutorial!July 16, 2pm-4pm ET (6pm-8pm UTC): Second version, we're planning to record
this one!


Sophie Jantak!

YouTube channel (lots of great grease pencil tutorials!)

Pet commissions


Sophie's beginner grease pencil tutorial: 3d bonsai painting

Blender and Grease Pencil (hybrid 2d and 3d artwork)

Christine's cat comix (these were made for Morgan when she was
finishing her dissertation, but maybe you'll enjoy them):

1: Deadlines

2: The Anxiety Cloud

3: Missy's Adventures in Video Gaming

4: Missy's NES cart

5: Enter Kelsey the Queen

6: Kelsey Claims the House for Herself

7: Missy's Revenge

8: Kelsey's Demand

HERO, a Blender Grease Pencil Showcase

There are a lot of good Grease Pencil tutorials online...
we'll let you find them, but this
Grease Pencil Random Tips and Tricks
is a nice thing to know about!

FOSS & Crafts Episode 16: Bassam Kurdali on using Blender for open movie productions and education