#006 - Being an entrepreneur can be lonely. Especially if your spouse has zero interest in backing your dream.

Should you go against your spouse?

Should you travel that path on your own?

Does it make a difference who’s on board as long as you have enough belief? 

Jordan Hoopingarner, sales funnel and marketing master, learned the best time to get support from his spouse… and it made all the difference in building his business

The best part is… this works with clients, customers, coworkers - you name it

No more lonely trails. No more fighting for what you want… or worse, abandoning your passion.

Jordan shares what he did to solve this problem and more.

Tune in to discover…

The 3 Keys that helped Jordan reach his childhood dream… and they’ll help you do the same.What you must do to achieve your goals… and how skipping these steps will leave you with heartache and wo.If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it, right? Wrong! Why standing still in any business will lead to total failure.Better than surveys or guesswork. This one choice can give the answer you need to launch a business you know you’ll love.The reason why businesses and marriages stick with the status quo… even when they’re miserable. (And how breaking the mold can lead you to excel in both).What never to do when communicating with clients or family members (if you ever want them to talk to you again).Do you feel complete peace in the midst of business struggles? If not, Jordan shares his secret to his most difficult battle.The reason why you run out of clients. And one simple trick to keep your calendar full all year long.

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Always Forward,


PS: For a list of resources discussed and full show notes please visit forwardwithjoe.com/JordanH