#026 - You will often hear what you should do, today hear HOW to do it.

Neil Dylan Young’s job in Dubai was causing him panic attacks. His body screamed at him to follow his heart. But that’s a big ask when you have a family to provide for.

Hear Neil’s story as he attended 22 Tony Robbins events in 22 consecutive months to grab hold of the exact practices he needed to pursue his purpose.

You’ll get a real dose of putting those principles into action as Neil makes me step to the plate and create my own intentions during the show.

Neil’s story and step by step instructions can inspire the change you’re looking for today.

So check it out on Apple Podcasts, iHeartRadio, Spotify, and all podcast platforms.

Thank you for listening and please share the link.

For links to resources and to download the episode transcription, visit  https://forwardwithjoe.com/neildylanyoung

Always Forward,
