Working from home is often considered a dream opportunity... until reality sets in. 

What do you do when screaming kids, innocent interruptions, household noise, and other distractions keep you from getting your work done, and are taking your business and family life out of balance? 

That's what we'll be discussing today... How to make working from home the ideal situation you once hoped it could be. 

We'll get to exactly how we're going to do that. But first, let me share a story with you. 

It had been about three months since I started working solely from home, and I could no longer focus. 

Every interruption triggered my already existing fears and "what if" questions.

It was almost like I was looking for an outside excuse to fail because then I would have something external to blame. Instead of finding out I just wasn't good enough to succeed in my dream.

But what was my family supposed to do now that I was working from home? Were my little kids supposed to stop laughing and playing?

Could movies and tv only be watched if they were wearing headphones?

Blenders, vacuums, doorbells, closing doors, clinking pans, musical toys, visitors, phone calls, honking horns, and every kind of noise making element around me... did that all have to be banned during work hours? 

There's no way. 

While my expectations weren't as extreme as what I just mentioned, they were still unrealistic.

And those expectations were hurting my personal relationships and my professional productivity. 

So what was I to do?