What do you do when you feel too weak to lead? 

What do you do when you know how you're supposed to lead your family, but you're not sure how to get yourself to do it? 

Today is a hard day for me. No specific reason. I'm just off... very off. 

There are a couple times during the year, when I face fairly strong bouts with depression. Over the years, I've learned tools and ways to manage it. I've learned to look for precursors - things that might be leading into it. 

And I've learned to set up safety nets: people to reach out to... meditations to do... foods to stay away from... but sometimes all those things put together are just not enough. 

Today is one of those days where I don't really know why... but I just want to stay in bed... and hide... and cry. 

Which makes it really weird that I'm doing this right now, because this is very out of alignment for how I feel. 

But I will post this for no other reason than maybe there's somebody out there that feels the same way... and would like to know how to get through it.