On this week’s Truth To Power, we gather folks into the virtual studio for a community conversation about resisting the petrochemical build-out in the Ohio River Valley. Joining Forward Radio programmer Justin Mog (Sustainability Now!) in the virtual studio this week are four members of the People Over Petro coalition: Alice Melendez (Extinction Rebellion Kentucky), Mary Aguilera (Buckeye Environmental Network & Ohio Poor People's Campaign, Cincinnati), Kelsey McNaul (Climate Reality Project, Pittsburgh), and Josh Eisenfeld (Fair Shake Environmental Legal Services, Pittsburgh). Despite failing economics and environmental health hazards, the petrochemical industry is persistent in its attempts to develop in the Ohio River Valley…but people are standing up to the threats to our natural and cultural heritage!

Learn more about Extinction Rebellion Kentucky at http://xrebelky.org or https://www.facebook.com/XRebelKY

Read "Your money or your life? The carbon-development paradox" (Environmental Research Letters) at https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1748-9326/ab7461

Read "What Does Net Zero Emissions Mean for Big Oil? Not What You’d Think" (Inside Climate News) at https://insideclimatenews.org/news/15072020/oil-gas-climate-pledges-bp-shell-exxon

In reference to the Aug. 7th Hearing about barge facilities that the Army Corps is permitting on the Ohio to accept fracking waste, comments and requests for additional information should be submitted electronically to [email protected] by 4 p.m. August 17th. https://ohvec.org/do-you-want-oil-and-gas-waste-in-your-water/

Keep up with the situation at http://nocrackerplantov.com

On Truth to Power each week, we gather Forward Radio programmers and friends to discuss the state of the world, the nation, the state, and the city! It's a community conversation like you won't hear anywhere else!

Truth to Power airs every Sunday at 4pm, Monday at 2pm, and Tuesday at 9am on Louisville's grassroots, community radio station, Forward Radio 106.5fm WFMP and live streams at http://forwardradio.org