On this week's program, host Hart Hagan sits down for a long chat with Martina Kunnecke from Neighborhood Planning and Preservation (NPP). Martina has been incredibly active in Louisville public affairs and is so knowledgeable about how the big decisions get made that effect our neighborhoods and our urban fabric. Don't miss this chance to learn from a veteran!

NPP began in 2003 as a response to the demolition of the McWhorter Farmhouse in Clifton, now the site of condos, restaurants, and shops. The organization’s first preservation efforts focused upon the proposed demolition of the Brinly-Hardy buildings on East Main Street, some of which dated to pre-Civil War era. An ugly fight ensued between NPP, led at the time by Jim Segrest (a Butchertown activist and former president of the Butchertown Neighborhood Association), the city, and developers. The result was that the buildings were torn down and a $21 million condominium complex called the Fleur de Lis on Main was erected.

On Truth to Power each week, we gather Forward Radio programmers and friends to discuss the state of the world, the nation, the state, and the city! It's a community conversation like you won't hear anywhere else!

Truth to Power airs every Friday at 9pm, Saturday at 11am, and Sunday at 4pm on Louisville's grassroots, community radio station, Forward Radio 106.5fm WFMP and live streams at http://forwardradio.org