On this week’s Truth To Power, we gather folks into the virtual studio to continue the community conversation about LG&E's proposed methane gas pipeline in Bullitt County. You may be familiar with this issue through the “Save Bernheim” campaign, as the proposed pipeline would run through Bernheim Arboretum & Research Forest. Forward Radio’s Justin Mog (Sustainability Now!) and Hart Hagan (The Climate Report / Let’s Talk) discuss the issue with one of the neighbors owning property near the pipeline, Christy Collins, as well as Elaine Tanner, Program Director for the Friends For Environmental Justice (http://friendsforenvironmentaljustice.org).

Learn more via Bullitt Countians for Justice at https://www.facebook.com/groups/400549857455783/

Learn more at http://bernheim.org/forestunderthreat

Find maps of fossil fuel infrastructure and get more info at http://fractracker.org

On Truth to Power each week, we gather Forward Radio programmers and friends to discuss the state of the world, the nation, the state, and the city! It's a community conversation like you won't hear anywhere else!

Truth to Power airs every Sunday at 4pm, Monday at 2pm, and Tuesday at 9am on Louisville's grassroots, community radio station, Forward Radio 106.5fm WFMP and live streams at http://forwardradio.org