On this week’s program, we bring you a Covering Climate Now press briefing from April 13th that features three leading experts in conversation about perhaps the most pressing issue humanity faces today – i.e. wide-scale global decarbonization of our economy and what’s needed to keep alive the Paris Agreement target of only 1.5 degrees Celsius global warming. Moderated by Covering Climate Now’s Executive Director and The Nation magazine’s Environment Correspondent, Mark Hertsgaard, this conversation features insights from:
• Mustafa Santiago Ali, Executive Vice President of the National Wildlife Federation
• Souparna Lahiri, Senior Climate and Biodiversity Policy Advisor of the Global Forest Coalition
• Kelly Levin, Chief of Science, Data, and Systems Change for the Bezos Earth Fund

This webinar was recorded and is available at https://www.youtube.com/@CoveringClimateNow

Covering Climate Now is a global journalism initiative committed to strengthening coverage of the defining story of our time. Our partners include over 500 news outlets with a combined audience approaching 2 billion people. Learn more and stay informed at https://coveringclimatenow.org/

Truth to Power airs every Friday at 9pm, Saturday at 11am, and Sunday at 4pm on Louisville's grassroots, community radio station, Forward Radio 106.5fm WFMP and live streams at http://forwardradio.org