My first guest is Ricardo Aguirre, an innovative civil engineer based in Arizona. Whereas, most civil engineers treat water as a nuisance and focus on drainage, Ricardo sees water as a resource and seeks to reduce runoff by sinking water into the ground. He does this by studying nature and also by using livestock to enhance the quality of the soil.

My second guest is Rodger Savory, an ecologist and land management consultant with a focus on something called Holistic Management. Rodger explains the origins of Holistic Management, and explains how to make good management decisions amid a complex and changing environment.

In the final segment, I tell the untold story of how water could cool our climate, if we would only restore the ecosystems and the plant matter through which water flows. Evaporative Cooling is a common experience. We experience the cooling effect of evaporating water when we step out of the shower or the swimming pool. When water evaporates, it has a tremendous cooling effect, and we COULD bring the power of evaporative cooling to bear on our desire to cool earth's climate.