My guest is Simon Michaux. Simon’s message is vital for understanding a future that is fast approaching, a future with limited energy, such that neither fossil fuels nor so-called renewable energy will be cheap or abundant as they are now.

It’s not that we won’t have any energy, but at some point it’s going to be a great deal more expensive. When it becomes more expensive, that expense is going to ripple through the economy, such that we will have no choice but to live with an economy that is much different from what we have now, and much different than anything being predicted or promoted either by the advocates of unlimited fossil fuels or the advocates of so-called renewable energy.

No one knows all the details, because the future is famously hard to predict. But half the fossil fuels we’ve ever used we’ve burnt in the last 30 years. How long can that go on?

Previously we have seen an increase in fossil fuel usage nearly every year for hundreds of years.

We are at or near the peak of fossil fuel consumption. And we are looking at a future of declining fossil fuel consumption. Our economy is not designed for declining energy consumption. It is designed for ever increasing energy consumption.

So when fossil fuel energy starts declining, it will be a very different economy, different from the economy that we’ve always lived with and taken for granted.

The party is going to be over in the foreseeable future. It’s just a question of when.

It’s time for us to start preparing for the future as it will be, and not live according to the fantasies we are fed by Madison Avenue, Wall Street, Congress and the Military Industrial Complex.

These institutions are all energy blind and they are going to be blind sided when our economy gets transformed from what it is to what it will be.

Simon Michaux is able to tell you about this inevitable future that no one is talking about.

His work is very well researched.

So please look up Simon Michaux on YouTube or Google and go from there.