Today’s Topic is … The REAL Deal about climate change.

Part 1: How trees and forests cool the climate and cause rain.
Part 2: What are droughts really about?
Part 3: What is flooding really about?
Part 4: What is the UN saying about the effects of climate change?

The purpose of TCR is to bring clarity and sanity to the conversation about climate change. We are being lied to constantly about climate change. Of course powerful lies are not completely false. They contain an element of truth. It’s true that climate change is caused in part by GHG. But is that the biggest part. And should reducing GHG be our sole and exclusive focus. And do the people who are bellyaching about GHG have a plan for dealing with them?

I say no to all these questions. GHG are a symptom of much deeper problems, scientifically and politically. And the people who are trying to scare us into reducing GHG do not have a plan for dealing with them.

My critiques of the prevailing narrative.
Greenhouse gases are not the only cause of global warming.
Fossil fuels are not the only cause of greenhouse gases.
Lowering fossil fuels is not going to happen under any of the proposals currently being discussed.
The main opportunities facing us are to restore
Our plant matter
Our water cycles
Our ecosystems
Opportunities (beyond the scope of this talk)
To lower our total energy
To live within our ecological limits
To look at WHO is making these decisions and decide whether or not we want a democracy or an oligarchy.