Today’s topic is The Lowdown on Climate .

Here’s the lowdown: We have a living planet, and we will heal our climate by attending to her living systems.

It’s not all about CO2. It’s not all about greenhouse gases. It’s not all about fossil fuels. CO2, in my view, has a minor role in catastrophic events like flooding, drought, wildfires and sea level rise, which are all caused--in large measure--by how we treat the land and the ecosystems that reside on the land.

We will talk about how trees make rain and how plants drive our water cycles. If we had healthy water cycles flowing through healthy ecosystems, we would have much less of the flooding, drought, heat waves and wildfires.

Trees make rain and plants create water cycles by slowing the progress of the rainwater toward the streams and rivers. Trees and plants make the soil healthy so it will soak up the rain like a sponge. And trees and plants create a reservoir of water that holds heat and staves off extremes of hot and cold, flooding and drought.

Please join me for this episode #378 of The Climate Report.