Two items featured in this episode…

1. How to make change (and possibly start a business) by sharing your area of expertise.
2. “How to properly understand the news media.” A review of “Inventing Reality” by Michael Parenti

First, … How to make change (and possibly start a business) by sharing your area of expertise …

We know we need change, but how do we make it happen?

The Climate Report is offering an opportunity for you to participate in a marketing study group. We will read and apply The Millionaire Messenger, by Brendon Burchard.

If you’ve ever wanted to create a job, or a nonprofit organization or a political cause, based on your area of expertise, that’s what The Millionaire Messenger is about. Despite the title, it’s not about making a lot of money -- unless you want to, and can do so ethically, and with the best interests of your clients in mind.

If you care to, read some reviews of the Millionaire Messenger and see if it’s something you would be interested in.

And email [email protected] for more details.

Here’s how this relates to The Climate Report …

The media has let us down, and so has government, and so has the business world. None of these institutions can be relied on to bring about meaningful change. And yet meaningful change, transformational change, even radical change, is exactly what we need if we are to save the planet and our species.

It’s a serious problem with a beautiful solution.

The beautiful solution is to master the art of spreading ideas.

That’s what the Millionaire Messenger, … and our study group is all about.

Second item on the agenda in today’s episode…

We know we cannot trust the mass media. But most people don’t know how they systematically lie to us.

But mainly, they lie by omission.

We dissect the problem, by reviewing “Inventing Reality” by Michael Parenti.

“For many people, an issue does not exist until it appears in the media.” That’s the opening line of Parenti’s book.

The challenge we face if we want to change our system is that the system is very good at self-justifying propaganda.

Therefore, we don’t really know there is an alternative to the so-called free market system. Many of us do not believe that it would be proper for us to regulate business, even the big polluters.

That’s because commercial interests are carefully filling people’s minds with the propaganda and lies, and distorting their view of reality.

Don’t miss this dynamic discussion in Episode 77 of The Climate Report.

#GreenNewDeal #greenparty #ecosocialist #DSA #climatechange #climatejustice #AOC #AlexandriaOcasioCortez #democraticsocialist
# michaelparenti #massmedia #mediabias